7 day Wide Reef and Shelf Explorer Trip single tickets

 7 day Wide Reef and Shelf Explorer Trip single tickets
Da AUD A$ 6.500,00
  • Durata: 7 Giorni (circa)
  • Luogo: Townsville, QLD
  • Codice prodotto: PHJV0M

What’s Included –

 4pm departure on day and 4pm arrival on the day back

Extended trips -rod reel hire, food, light refreshments tea
coffee soft drink and water. Fish filleting packing, Fish freight packaging,
Transport to and from airports for groups.

 Liveaboard – best of everything catered to your liking and
fish you after – depart 4pm first night 
bit of rubble reds night fishing, then while you resting we make our way
out to the next stop for a magical morning wake up on reef, night and day
fishing, deep water fishing on the Continental Shelf or trolling for pelagics
on edge of shelf, heaps fish heaps fun.